Sunday, 27 January 2013

980 Days To Go - 27/01/2013

Complete Pokémon Games

So this week I started Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, got about 10 hours in and the memory card corrupts so I didn't make any progress there. However, I did start Japanese Pokémon Ruby in order to get to the point where I would be able to transfer a Celebi from the Japanese Colosseum bonus disc. I managed to go from the start until the end of the Elite 4 so now all I have to do is complete the Japanese version of Pokémon Colosseum.

Complete New Super Mario Bros. U

I decided to continue with this game this week. I've already 100% complete the story (All coins etc) and have moved on to Challenge mode. I'm currently on the 4 star regular challenges after managing to complete the final 2 3 star challenges this week (With Gold Medals).

Watch all of Inuyasha

31 episodes in now and it's still good, that's 8 more than last week I believe. It's still pretty good, though I have a feeling it'll get much least I hope it does being 167 episodes long.

Take a photo of myself for 365 days and make one of those 365 day face videos

I started and failed this this week. I took a single photo and then didn't continue so I need to start this again.

Have £1 less to spend each week for 52 weeks and never overspend (Basically save this amount of money)

Similarly to the last, I failed to save the extra money this week so I need to also start this again.

Catch up with the All Gen Gamers Podcast and then stay within 5 episodes

I'm now on Episode 37 which is 6 more than last time. That's 4 more than last week so I've actually done quite well here.

Stay less then 5 episodes behind in the Gamerscore Popcast

I listened to those 3 episodes that I was behind, but not yet this weeks. That means I'm an episode behind which seems reasonable.

Make a sequel to my Mario Fan game containing at least 10 levels

I started on the first level of this, feels similar to when I had the prequel in development :D.

Catch up with Slowflake videos and don't get more than 5 behind

I've now finished the Sonic 3 and Knuckles LP and moved onto the Wind Waker one of which I'm 1 part into. That makes 10 videos this week I believe.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

101 Things Progress 2/101

Complete Pokémon Games

So this week I managed to finish the Unova Dex, all 301 Pokémon on Black 2 and kept on with the time sensitive Medals. I think this is where I stop Black 2 for a while in favour of the Generation III games. I caught a few more Pokémon in Emerald so I'm making progress here.

Complete Dunamis 15 - 3/10

I completed Dunamis 15 this week, it's a really quick Japanese text adventure game. I had left it on 900 Gamerscore so I finally finished it. About 3-4 hours for 1,000 points.

Watch all of Inuyasha

I've now watched 23 episodes of Inuyasha which is 10 episodes further than last week. It's really starting to get good now. I can't wait to get back to watching it :D.

Save £1 More a Week for a Year

So the idea of this is to save money. I save £1, then £2, then £3 etc each week up to £52. If successful, this will save £1,378 in total which will be good for a nice holiday break somewhere or maybe for something else.

Catch up with the All Gen Gamers Podcast and then stay within 5 episodes

I'm currently on Episode 31 of this great Podcast. That's 2 more than last time.

Stay less then 5 episodes behind in the Gamerscore Popcast

I was behind 3 episodes in this Podcast that I listen to, I listened to the 3 episodes I was behind. I just have to make sure that I don't get behind by 5 episodes.

Finish this list

Last week there were 74 things on the list, there are now 82 so this is also making progress.

Catch up with Slowflake videos and don't get more than 5 behind

I finished the Final Fantasy VI Spotlight and I made my way 6 parts into the Sonic 3 & Knuckles Let's Play. That's somewhere between 6-11 videos depending.

Complete Otomedius G - 6.5/10

Another game I've been meaning to finish which took a lot of my time this week. A great Shmup that anyone with a Japanese Xbox 360 should play. Around 15 hours for the 1,000 points.

Completed Games

Not completely related, but I also finished the following games:
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout NES - 4/10
Clu Clu Land NES - 6/10
Excitebike NES - 5/10

Sunday, 13 January 2013

The 101 things in 1,001 Days Challenge

So after I watched Grax's video about his 101 things in 1,001 days I decided that I would begin one myself. It's a self explanatory challenge that can be found on which involves completing 101 things in 1,001 days. The list I created so far can be found here, with one of the tasks being to simply have 101 things on the list and another to blog my progress.

Complete Pokémon Black 2

This is the first task from my list that is currently in progress, but with 649 Pokémon and 255 Medals (Achievements) to obtain this isn't going to be an easy task. I'm currently almost done with the Unova dex, but the problem isn't going to be with the Pokédex, it'll be with the Medals. There's one for playing a Funfest mission (A minigame) with 30 people in real life and another for getting 1,000 points in a single mission. 1,000 points requiring about 27-40 people.

So what am I doing about this medal? Well I don't have TrueAchievements to create my own boosting session because it's a DS game. Nope, I created an event at the London Expo for it which seems to be going quite well at the moment and I hope it continues to do so. It'll be a fun event, but you know you're addicted to Achievement style things when this is what you go through in order to get them. We're on 23 people going (Plus another 19 maybe going) according to the Facebook Event, so lets keep making that number higher and get as many people that medal whilst having a good time as possible :D.

Watch all of Inuyasha

So I have an Anime schedule and as long as I keep to it, then I'll do this. So far I've watch 13 episodes of this great Anime.

Keep up to date with Naruto (No more than 5 episodes behind)

The filler just ended so let's hope this Anime decides to get good again. Naruto has far too much filler.

Keep up to date with One Piece (No more than 5 episodes behind)

The Naruto Anime could do with some lessons from the One Piece Anime, this is how you do it and keep people interested. One Piece feels like it hardly ever has filler and when it does, it doesn't always suck.

Keep up to date with my Dragon Ball schedule (No more than 5 episodes behind)

I've been watching Dragon Ball Z at 2 episodes a week since mid 2010, mainly because the Dragon Box's weren't all out so I had to watch it at this rate. I haven't stopped since and I'm currently near the end of the Fusion Arc so it's almost over. But then I'm on to the Movies, Specials, GT and finally Kai. So let's keep this going :D.

Catch up with the All Gen Gamers Podcast and then stay within 5 episodes

I listen to this everyday on the way to work. So far I'm on episode 29 and it's one of my favourite podcasts. They talk about pretty much games from all generations, hence the name. It has the same feel as RetroForceGo! did at one time. That podcast was awesome :D.

Make a system for work that is better than the current one

I love my job, I'm a Software Engineer. I'm not sure what I can say about this one but I'm progressing nicely, so let's keep it up :D.

Finish this list (Have 101 tasks)

I'm on 74 so far, so I still need 27.

Catch up with Slowflake videos and don't get more than 5 behind

This guy is my favourite Let's Player and the only one I watch all of the videos for. But I've managed to get around 10 months behind in his videos and for a long time I've wanted to catch up. At the moment I'm in the middle of his Final Fantasy VI Character spotlight, I've got a long way to go.

And that's my progress for this week, now I can mark the one for blogging my way through this as "In Progress", see ya :D.